A conditioner that instantly restores the softness and shine of natural hair, achieving a silky, easy-to-brush look
Keratin regenerates damaged hair and by adding more weight, it hangs better and increases the hair's straightness
Can be applied to wet coat after shampoo bath and either be left in, rinsed through, or rinsed out depending on coats needs
Mix 2-3 pumps into our Fine Misting Spray Bottle with warm water and used as a flat ironing spray to protect from heat, or finishing spray to help settle down unruly fly-always
Can be used as a deep conditioning treatment by applying directly to wet coat after bath and allowing it to sit in coat for 20 minutes. Rinse through coat, dry as usual, and then finish by flat ironing coat to seal in Keratin treatment.
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Artero Keratin Vital Concentrated Conditioner is a professional grooming conditioner. Regenerates damaged coat & restores natural shine. Deep conditioning treatment, easy to brush.
Artero Keratin Vital Concentrated Conditioner 3.46 oz.
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Tess B. Verified Customer
Love it
An excellent leave in conditioner, especially on deshed dogs and curly coat.
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