Quadruped Yucca-Med Moisturizing Leave-In Conditioner & Undercoat Remover (Gallon)

  • Gallon
  • Natural Cortisone Aids
  • Leaves coats conditioned
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Quadruped Yucca Med De-Matting Undercoat Remover Rapid Drying Aid & Leave-in Conditioner (Gallon) includes yucca' s ability to cause the body to create its own natural cortisone aids in the relief of hot spots, itching, scratching, dermatitis, and seborrhea. The Mojave Yucca's properties also help in the relief of bacterial and fungal related problems. Yucca Medicated Conditioner cuts grooming time by aiding in the brushing out of undercoats, dead hair, mats and tangles while reducing drying time on long coated breeds. Leaves coats conditioned. A soothing mint scent leaves pets smelling fresh and clean. For best results follow directions on bottle. One gallon makes up to 8 gallons depending on use. Wash pet with Yucca-Med Shampoo to reinforce medicinal properties and Yucca-Med Spray between baths to continue combating related skin problems.

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